‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord’
Welcome to Timeline Ministries
Timeline Ministries brings a Biblical awareness of the ‘Prophetic Times’ in which we live.
“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10
Timeline Ministries is a full time faith based itinerant ministry established by Pastor Greg and Judy Willis in 2004. They have both been in full time pastoral ministry since 1984.
Pastor Greg and Judy Willis will bring a clear understanding of Biblical Prophecy which will encourage and inspire people to live more effectively for the Kingdom of God.
The teaching focus of Timeline Ministries
Israel: To present God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people. Jeremiah 31:3, 35-37
Church: To prepare the Bride of Christ [Church] for the imminent coming of her Bridegroom [Jesus].
1 John 2:28; 3:1-3
Nations: To promote an understanding of God’s plan for the nations. Psalm 33:10, 11; 47:8; 66:7; 82:8.
Updated 23/10/2016